sound like a tech expert

Sound like the tech expert that clients want

Let’s face the facts. Tech scares people, especially clients. They get flustered at the idea of something breaking on their watch and not knowing how to actually fix it. Clients can be intimidated by the idea of losing out on valuable traffic and sales because of a website glitch they know nothing about. So how can we help them and increase our recurring revenue when we are new to website building OR when we are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of the tech ourselves?

We have the scoop right here for you, boo! Just sit back, relax, and watch this vid with all the deets you need to sound like a tech know-it-all, or you can breeze through the video notes below for a handy reference guide!

Check Out the Video Replay

Read the Webinar Notes šŸ‘‡

We know what you are thinking… “BUT Iā€™m a designer, not a techie!”

Sorry bout it, babe. Even if you are “JUST” a designer, you are seen as profesh in your industry, and your opinion is valuable to the clients. This does not mean that you have to know everything. For the most part, when a client asks a question, it will take some research time. Just like any job, you should be paid for that valuable information and research time you will need to do for your client. So whether you are researching a solution to a problem, looking into the latest tool or platform, or lending hard-earned knowledge of industry specifics, make sure your client knows that consultations are not free (and let them know your fee upfront).

Tips For HOW To Make a Good Recommendation:

#1 Ask good questions.

A lot of the time, clients will ask for your feedback about a specific platform or solution. Before giving them an answer, make sure you ask what their biggest pain point is currently, and what they are looking to solve. This will help increase your value to the client and help you find a solution that will move them toward their goals.

It’s important to build the skill of probing the client in order to get at the real issue so you can provide the best solution.

#2 Ask what the ideal outcome is for them.

Knowing what outcome your client is looking for is the best way to know if a tool or solution will work for them. Sometimes a new tool may not be the best thing because of the learning curve the software or system presents for them. There will be times when the tools they are using are good for them but the WAY they are using them can be changed to offer a better outcome.

When You Don’t Know:

#1 Be honest and say, “let me look into that for you.”

There is no shame in that game, my friend! Letting the client know that you are not willing to give them a half-baked recommendation lets them know you are thinking of them first. They also feel confident that you are not just pulling a “fake it till you make it” moment on them. There are times when we all have to own that we don’t always know everything all the time.

#2 Put on your research hat.

When you are researching something, make sure you look at the FAQ’s, knowledge bases, and user documentation. Sometimes you can even ask the sales team so that they can help you (they know their tool better than you do). The key is to know ALL your options. Remember, you aren’t committing to anything just by finding out all the options.

If you don’t know the exact verbiage to look for, start by talking with a sales expert. They can often give you the right language to efficiently search Google or other platforms.


#3 Play around with free trials!

Free trials are great for helping you assess the power of the tool you are looking into. Get in there and get your hands dirty. Pull your sleeves up and check things out. The tutorials and help documents can be a valuable resource for your learning experience as well.

It takes time and experience to know what you are looking for and to find the information and solution that will work best for people based on their specific business needs.

How to Present Solutions to Your Client:

#1 Give them a few options.

This is key to letting them know what their best options are. Let them know the limitations and advantages of each solution presented and how it can help them increase their business. However, make sure you don’t give them too many options. Offer 2-3 solutions and present them in a way that makes the decision-making process fast and easy for them.

#2 Tell ’em the cost involved.

I know you are immediately seeing the dollar signs, but the cost of something is not always monetary. Cost can often come down to the time spent making the project happen as a whole. Migration, training, fees for the new tool, your consulting fee, your help in getting the new tool up and running (if they want it): all of these things play a factor in the decision-making process. Some clients have time to spare, but funds are low. Other clients might have funds to get a project done, but their time is more limited. Be sensitive to that, and offer a solution with the monetary and time cost in mind.

Another key is to think long-term with costs and how their team can handle it. Sometimes something seems like it will be a cheaper solution, but it can cost you more in the long run if your client can’t use the tools and systems that you have set in place.

#3 Make a Loom Video is a great video hosting platform that is amazing for sharing videos with clients. Simply record your screen and share the options with them. It makes it easy for them to review it with their team and make the best decision for their workflow needs. Plus it’s waaayyyy easier than trying to type it all out in a document or email. šŸ˜‰

Want to share Weeknight Website with your clients as a solution?

Check out our “Sell Weeknight Website To Your Clients” page. It has all the information on Weeknight Website you need to help your clients make an informed decision on their website hosting and building platform.