
How to Create a Professional Website in a Few Hours

Websites. Websites. Websites.
Sometimes I feel like all we ever talk about is websites. I know you came here to figure out how to create a professional website in a few hours. But, humor me for 30 seconds because I want to talk about pizza. ????????????‍♀️


One of the best things about pizza is that there are a million different kinds and they are all amazing.

I love the authentic Italian pizza that comes out of that oven that looks like a cave. It makes me feel more fancy than I actually am.

I even love Totinos Party Pizzas. Yeah, they’re gross but in the best way. I mean, it says right on the package “PARTY PIZZA.” Who am I to argue? ????

I love New York style pizza. It’s so thin that you can fold it like a taco. It’s perfectly mobile so you can eat it while you speed walk your way to sit next to 738,910,937 people on the L.

I love how chicago pizza is super thick so that it doesn’t blow away in the frigid gale force wind. So practical! ????????

Not everyone is as open minded about their pizza as I am.

If my Brooklyn-born-and-raised friend comes to Texas to visit and she wants pizza, I know better than to buy her Papa Johns. (Sorry, PJ! ????????‍♀️) I’m going to have to make her a seriously delicious thin crust pizza. The kind that you can fold. And that’s a problem because I’m no professional pizza maker.

Which brings me back to the reason you’re here. I also love all types of websites. I love the ones that look like they came from the future. Also, I recently discovered neocities.org which is a community of people who make websites that look like they belong on geocites. They are terrible. I love them. ????

But, if you’re out to create a professional website, the odds are that your less open minded friends are going to see. I get it. Let me give you some tips on how to impress them.

Simple Tips for How to Create a Professional Website

Keep it simple.

First off, if you’re looking to make something quickly, you’ll need to keep it simple. That’s not a bad thing. Whether we are talking about cooking, art or design, over complicating things is always the mark of an amateur.

So take some time to plan your page out before you start to try and create a professional website. Be deliberate about where you put everything and don’t add anything you don’t need. If you need extra help on planning your site, we have a guide on how to design your homepage right here. ????



The best designers know that when it comes to the aesthetics, the most important parts are the font pairings and the photos. For help finding a font pairing that has already been put together by professionals, we recommend you check out this Canva article. Aslo, you can use their font combinations tool to help you get your font secret sauce.

For photos that will make your site looks great, head over to Unsplash or Pexels and grab some photos for FREE! (????drop)

Drag and Drop it like it’s hot ????

Want to get things done fast and have it look great? You’ll need a builder. Not all Drag and Drop builders are the same, but they are all easier than coding. Our favorite drag and drop builder is Beaver Builder. We’ve found that it’s easy to use and the most flexible. If you are a Weeknight Website member then you have Beaver Builder at your disposal along with tutorial videos that walk you through how you can build your entire site in a weeknight. So, get on that.

Create a Professional Website that is Mobile Ready ????

About half of your web traffic is going to come from mobile traffic. Nothing looks more unprofessional than a site that doesn’t respond well on mobile. So make sure that it looks great. Make your adjustments, and then check your site on your phone. Also, don’t forget the quiet middle child of technology – the iPad.

If you’ve selected a decent drag and drop builder this should be pretty easy for you. Beaver Builder makes it especially easy. All of their themes respond to devise sizes, break points and spacing. If you are a Weeknight Website member, we have a special tutorial on making your site look amazing on all your devices. ????